Purpose Built Bridge Connecting Two Farm Blocks Set To Ease Access Issues


For Bridge It NZ, a key part of working with our clients is to ensure that our recommended bridge solution meets their needs. Design, construction and budget are all factors that need to be considered. Ultimately, there should be no surprises.

With this in mind, in early 2018, BINZ Managing Director Pat Seuren, and Business Development Manager Diana McIntyre, met James Pinfold, Trustee for a local Maori Trust on site at their Waikato based farm.

The Trusts key requirements were to gain heavy vehicle access to neighbouring land on the southern side of Moakuararua Stream which included harvesters, fertilisers trucks and of course stock movements. The landowners were looking for a durable solution that would last for future generations.

Several factors needed to be considered for the bridge design. The large catchment area (approximately 150km2), meant the designated location of the bridge was on a spillway/flood plain so the design had to meet Waikato Regional Council consent requirements, ensuring no impact on upstream properties. Compacted earth approaches were considered, enabling the bridge to be shortened by 4 meters… read more in Part 2.

The final design resulted with a 38m clear span bridge with a 0.85HN load rating. The bridge is capable of taking a maximum 7.5 tonne single axle load and maximum 15 tonne dual axle loads, suitable for fully laden road legal trucks and trailers.

The land where the bridge is to be sited, is within an archaeological area of significance. Our project team worked with Heritage NZ and registered archaeologists to determine that the two known archaeological sites on the property would not be affected.

Another key aspect of the project revolved around the earth works including tracks and approaches to the bridge.  Our Project Manager, Kim Bevins, met with our client’s earthworks contractor on site to discuss these requirements. This resulted in the bridge position being located to reduce overall earthworks and improve the tracking alignments. A great outcome for our clients.

Fabrication of the bridge has now begun in our Mt Maunganui workshop where our highly experienced team led by Taylor Ward (with 5 years bridge building experience) will ensure it is built to precise specifications.

Earthworks for bridge approachesDiana McIntrye of Bridge It NZ with steel beams for the bridge
Earthworks for the bridge approaches & Diana McIntrye of Bridge It NZ, with steel beams for the bridge.

Taylor Ward of Bridge It NZ, during fabrication of the bridge


Let us manage the details:

Site investigation
and assessment

Full design, drawings,
fabrication and installation

Resource and
building consents


Funding application

Traffic management